Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – October 2019

Trade Headlines and the Federal Reserve Every major stock index we follow has the same quarterly pattern for 2019: a sensationally strong Q1, a significant slowdown in Q2, and even slower Q3 returns. Investor concerns about trade wars, slowing GDP, ineffective Central...
Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – April 2019

Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – April 2019

A Strong Start to the Year The first quarter feels as if it has been the mirror image of the final quarter of 2018. Economic conditions are far from robust, but investors have jumped back into stocks, brushing aside fresh concerns. In fact, the S&P 500 Index...

The Recent Market Decline and Human Behavior

Adapted from an article originally written by: Samuel Chattopahyay, CFA The stock market has been tumbling lately with S&P 500 Price Index declining by 11.76% from its peak on October 5th till the date of this post, and the dramatic media headlines are roiling...
FDP In The News

FDP In The News

Mark Chandik’s article “Double-Duty Dollars: Corporate Life Insurance and Long-Term Care” was recently published in the Southern California Contractors Association Magazine.  It features four highly efficient corporate life insurance and long-term...
Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – April 2019

FDP Special Market Commentary

Volatility has certainly returned to the financial markets this quarter!  Staying invested in a volatile market takes a certain amount of intestinal fortitude, but it’s not without reward.  The chart below demonstrates how difficult it is to time the market – you have...