The lack of volatility in 2017 was nearly unprecedented. We witnessed 310 trading days without two consecutive daily pullbacks in the S&P 500 Index of at least 0.5%, according to research from Bespoke Group. The unprecedented streak ended in late January. History...
Maybe its happened to you. Or maybe one of your friends or colleagues has fallen victim. A pink slip is handed out to a worker age late 50’s to early 60’s, and there is no job waiting in the wings. Now, the wage earner has several fewer years of earning to...
Mark Chandik, author of 10 Financial Strategies for the Smart Investor, was recently featured in Investors Business Daily. To view the article, please click the following link and feel free to share: How to Weigh Funds...
“How Do You Know What You Have is Enough?”
Wealth Challenges of Sports & Entertainment Figures