How to Best Position Your Company for Sale

How to Best Position Your Company for Sale

Many construction business owners wouldn’t dream of retiring. The business is their most precious creation and they plan to work until their last day on Earth. Others, equally proud of what they have created, want to ensure it enjoys a life beyond them – and that they...
Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – July 2022

Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – July 2022

The U.S. economy remains on stable footing, supported by a strong labor market, healthy balance sheets, and solid consumer spending. However, persistently high inflation, a tighter Federal Reserve (Fed), a decline in business, and confidence present downside...

FDP Special Market Commentary

WHAT ARE BEHAVIORAL BIASES AND HOW THEY HURT YOUR INVESTMENT RETURNS Do you think that you make sound and thoughtful investment decisions? How about in times of high volatility and stress? Do you feel the pain of loss more than the joy of gain? Behavioral Finance and...
FDP In The News

FDP In The News

Today, the WSJ published an article about the increases in prices for Universal Life and Term Insurance products resulting from disruption to the bond and mortgage markets. The article included quotes by Mark Chandik and two FDP clients who are moving ahead to buy...

Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – April 2020

The COVID-19 Recession and the Policy Response The year began on a firm footing. Economic growth appeared to be accelerating and job growth was strong. Coupled with low interest rates and forecasts for accelerating profit growth, stocks repeatedly hit new highs. At...

Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook – January 2020

A Decade Year, A Banner Decade The decade began under a dark cloud. The U.S. was climbing out of the Great Recession, and many wondered whether the economy might flounder for years. However, as investment legend Warren Buffett likes to say, “Never bet against...