Prosperity Partners Blog

FDP Special Market Commentary

FDP Special Market Commentary

Volatility has certainly returned to the financial markets this quarter!  Staying invested in a volatile market takes a certain amount of intestinal fortitude, but it’s not without reward.

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Where to Save After the New Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Where to Save After the New Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The new tax law is a mixed bag for contractors in California. While there are certain provisions that are helpful to small businesses, the loss of the “SALT” deductions (state and local taxes) has most likely increased the total tax burden for high income individuals.

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Tax Reform Comes to Orange County

Tax Reform Comes to Orange County

I had the privilege of attending an intimate meeting with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Special Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump this morning. 

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When Late-Career Job Loss Strikes

When Late-Career Job Loss Strikes

Maybe its happened to you. Or maybe one of your friends or colleagues has fallen victim. A pink slip is handed out to a worker age late 50’s to early 60’s, and there is no job waiting in the wings.

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Financial Market Summary and Outlook

2016 was a very good year for diversifed portfolios as returns were boosted by exposure to diversifer asset classes, meant to provide additional risk adjusted return over time.

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FDP Market Quarterly Market Summary and Outlook

The third quarter began on a very uneven footing. The U.K. had just surprised investors by voting to leave the European Union (E.U.), and markets were in the process of digesting an enormous amount of uncertainty and repricing shares in the face of that uncertainty.

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Because you should always know what your wealth is doing for you.